Saturday, August 27, 2011


I must say I am rather embarrassed.   When I look over to the right of my blog I see a single follower; a single dedicated follower.  I have met this follower...and it is me.  In fact, I've been following myself for months now.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Publishing Process Has Begun

The first book in the "Dinwiddie Dunn and his Bowlegged Sons" series "Brainfreeze Ain't for Sissies" has begun and is in copyediting phase with the publisher.  The initial draft of the book should be complete by about February of next year. I'm really excited for the process to begin; especially the illustration portion. The illustrations are key since this will determine how everyone sees Dinwiddie, dimwitted Dean-O and eight-fingered Dave from now on. Someone once said of songwriting that the music is compromised the moment it leaves your head. I'm afraid the same will prove true of the illustrations...that the characters will be compromised between leaving my head and ending up on the page. I guess I'm both excited and nervous about seeing where this journey leads.